Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

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Faunts - Feel.Love.Thinking.Of.
Aquired: 09/10/18

Had heard a lot of the songs off this album while listening to various Pandora stations. Great stuff. Really, great stuff.
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Faunts - Feel.Love.Thinking.Of.
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Feel.Love.Thinking.Of. songlist
  1. It Hurts Me All the Time
  2. Feel.Love.Thinking.Of.
  3. Out on a Limb
  4. Lights Are Always On
  5. Das Malefitz
  6. I Think I'll Start a Fire
  7. Alarmed / Lights
  8. So Far Away
  9. Explain
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As you can see from my album listings, I have a lot of Pink Floyd albums. The reason? When you find something that you can't truly get enough of, like a drug, you tend to fill yourself with everyth...
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