Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

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Counting Crows - Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings
Counting Crows
Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings
Aquired: 04/01/08

Not sure what motivated me to pick this one up. There are a few tasties on this album but it is really difficult not to compare anything they do to their early albums... of which I love. The more recent offerings just aren't up to snuff in my opinion. Am I wrong?
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all albums by Counting Crows
Counting Crows - New Amsterdam: Live At Heineken Music Hall February 6, 2003Counting Crows - Saturday Nights & Sunday MorningsCounting Crows - This Desert LifeCounting Crows - Recovering the SatellitesCounting Crows - Hard CandyCounting Crows - August and Everything After
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Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings songlist
  1. 1492
  2. Hanging Tree
  3. Los Angeles
  4. Sundays
  5. Insignificant
  6. Cowboys
  7. Washington Square
  8. On Almost Any Sunday Morning
  9. When I Dream of Michelangelo
  10. Anyone But You
  11. You Can't Count On Me
  12. Le ballet d'or
  13. On a Tuesday In Amsterdam Long Ago
  14. Come Around
  15. Sessions (Bonus Track)
  16. Sunday Morning L.A. (Bonus Track)
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As you can see from my album listings, I have a lot of Pink Floyd albums. The reason? When you find something that you can't truly get enough of, like a drug, you tend to fill yourself with everyth...
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