Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

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38 Special - The Best of 38 Special - The Millennium Collection
38 Special
The Best of 38 Special - The Millennium Collection
Aquired: 06/07/22

Been listening to this band indirectly for decades. Radio, Pandora, mixes that had Hold on Loosely and Caught Up In You on them. Great songs. Wanted to get them a slice of my thankfullness by actually purchasing one of their albums.
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38 Special - The Best of 38 Special - The Millennium Collection
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The Best of 38 Special - The Millennium Collection songlist
  1. Rockin’ Into the Night
  2. Stone Cold Believer
  3. Hold On Loosely
  4. Wild-Eyed Southern Boys
  5. Fantasy Girl
  6. Caught Up In You
  7. Rough-Housin’
  8. If I’d Been the One
  9. Back Where You Belong
  10. Twentieth Century Fox
  11. Somebody Like You
  12. Like No Other Night
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As you can see from my album listings, I have a lot of Pink Floyd albums. The reason? When you find something that you can't truly get enough of, like a drug, you tend to fill yourself with everyth...
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