Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

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The Midnight - Endless Summer
The Midnight
Endless Summer
Aquired: 03/10/22

I had this going through my stereo regularly when I was signed up with Apple Music. After that lapsed I began to miss having this album to play whenever I wanted. The result? Finally picked it up almost a year later. Sunset is such a good tune. There are several on here that are fantastic, but that one especially gets me going.
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all albums by The Midnight
The Midnight - NocturnalThe Midnight - Endless SummerThe Midnight - Days of Thunder
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Endless Summer songlist
  1. Endless Summer
  2. Sunset
  3. Daytona
  4. Jason (feat. Nikki Flores)
  5. Synthetic
  6. The Equaliser (Not Alone)
  7. The Comeback Kid
  8. Vampires
  9. Crockett’s Revenge
  10. Nighthawks
  11. Lonely City
  12. Memories
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