Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

Welcome to Infected Media, the portfolio site of Steven Seybold, Art Director and Designer.

The Tallest Man on Earth - Shallow Grave
The Tallest Man on Earth
Shallow Grave
Aquired: 12/18/08

Ken bought this for me right after my Dad passed away. A very nice gesture that put a rare (at the time) smile on my face. Thanks Ken.
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all albums by The Tallest Man on Earth
The Tallest Man on Earth - I Love You. It's a Fever Dream.The Tallest Man on Earth - Dark Bird is HomeThe Tallest Man on Earth - There's No Leaving NowThe Tallest Man on Earth - The Wild HuntThe Tallest Man on Earth - Shallow Grave
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Shallow Grave songlist
  1. I Won't Be Found
  2. Pistol Dreams
  3. Honey Won't You Let Me In
  4. Shallow Grave
  5. Where Do My Bluebird Fly
  6. The Gardener
  7. The Blizzard's Never Seen the Desert
  8. Sands
  9. The Sparrow and the Medicine
  10. Into the Stream
  11. This Wind
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