Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

Welcome to Infected Media, the portfolio site of Steven Seybold, Art Director and Designer.

Clutch - Strange Cousins from the West
Strange Cousins from the West
Aquired: 11/04/11

This album was on my iTunes wish list for probably a year. I finally collected enough scratch together to justify picking it up. Very happy with it. These guys are gritty.
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all albums by Clutch
Clutch - Strange Cousins from the WestClutch - From Beale Street to OblivionClutch - Robot Hive / Exodus
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Strange Cousins from the West songlist
  1. Motherless Child
  2. Struck Down
  3. 50,000 Unstoppable Watts
  4. Abraham Lincoln
  5. Minotaur
  6. The Amazing Kreskin
  7. Witchdoctor
  8. Let a Poor Man Be
  9. Freakonomics
  10. Aglo Ha Cambiado
  11. Sleestak Lightning
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