Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

Welcome to Infected Media, the portfolio site of Steven Seybold, Art Director and Designer.

Guggenheim Grotto - The Universe Is Laughing
Guggenheim Grotto
The Universe Is Laughing
Aquired: 06/18/10

Love these guys. This album isn't as great as some of their older ones, but maybe I just haven't listened to it enough. Maybe it will grow on me... time will only tell.
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all albums by Guggenheim Grotto
Guggenheim Grotto - This Time RoundGuggenheim Grotto - The Universe Is LaughingGuggenheim Grotto - Happy the ManGuggenheim Grotto - Waltzing Alone
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The Universe Is Laughing songlist
  1. Trust Me I'm a Thief
  2. Map of the Human Heart
  3. Wings and Feathers
  4. Never Before
  5. Concentrate
  6. Wisdom
  7. Ruby Heart
  8. Spiegel Song
  9. The Universe Is Laughing
  10. Diamond
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