Steven Seybold Portfolio Site

Welcome to Infected Media, the portfolio site of Steven Seybold, Art Director and Designer.

About The Presentation: Time is finite, but we act as if it were otherwise, assuming that longer hours always lead to increased productivity. But in reality our bodies are designed to pulse and pause - to expend energy and then renew it. In this revelatory talk, energy expert Tony Schwartz debunks common productivity myths and shows us how to regain control over our energy so we can produce great work.

About Tony Schwartz:  Tony Schwartz is founder and CEO of The Energy Project, a company that helps individuals and organizations fuel energy, engagement, focus, and productivity by drawing on the science of high performance. Tony has written four bestselling books, including The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working, published in 2010, and The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy Not Time, co-authored with Jim Loehr.

Tony has also published widely about leadership, engagement, and culture change. He was a reporter for the New York Times, an Associate Editor at Newsweek, a staff writer at New York and Esquire magazines and a columnist for Fast Company. He co-authored the #1 worldwide bestseller The Art of the Deal with Donald Trump and also wrote What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America.

Tony has delivered keynotes to audiences around the world and has done leadership work with senior executives at dozens of companies including Google, Apple, Sony, Ford, and Harvard Business School.

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