Welcome to Infected Media, the portfolio site of Steven Seybold, Art Director and Designer.
Well, the big day has come. After more than a decade, the follow up to one of the most popular games in history is finally here. If only I were in college and had all my friends in one central apartment to have LAN games. While that would be awesome to relive some of those great times in "The Diamondhead" at UCLA where a handful of friends would squander hours away playing Big Game Hunters, I wonder how big of an impact this game will have on me.
Realistically, probably not that big, but it sure is pretty and I can't wait to play through the single player. Those Blizzard dudes really know how to put out a good game. Anyone out there planning on playing this too?
I picked my copy up on the Blizzard Store website. No tax, no shipping, all digital. Very easy and highly recommended.